
Search as you type autocomplete

Search as you type autocomplete

Today we released support for search as you type suggestions / autocomplete. When a search is being entered we'll return suggested pages automatically. Suggestions are enabled by default, but can be turned off with options. var CshConf = {...

New Site Authorization

We've added an addition setup step to help make sure we crawl sites that are actually signed up for CloudSh! The CloudSh crawler now requires a meta tag on the home page of your site. This is to make sure you own the site you're trying to...

Retiring the free plan

I recently got a comment asking how the freemium model was working and a few days later another asking why all startups use $29 as a starting price! Don't any of you startups know there are numbers LESS than 29? - Brisbane, Queensland, AU I...

StimulusJS and Shopify API; Making a Cart

StimulusJS and Shopify API; Making a Cart

Now that we're pulling data from Shopify we need a way for people to actually buy! I'm using StimulusJS for the client side and the Shopify API to create a cart and add products to it. Check out the previous posts and the example code on...

Eleventy Collections - Pulling in the products via API

Eleventy Collections - Pulling in the products via API

Continuing posts on building a headless e-commerce site with Eleventy and Shopify, it's time to pull in some data from the Shopify API. The plan is to use the Shopify API to grab products and collections from Shopify and make them available...

Eleventy & ParcelJS Working Together

Eleventy & ParcelJS Working Together

Here's the setup I'm using to build a headless e-commerce store. You can read about why a headless e-commerce site for an overview. I decided on Eleventy and ParcelJS as the static site generator and JavaScript bundler. Let's get into the...

Headless Shopify Storefront

Headless Shopify Storefront

I'm working on clothing brand e-commerce site. In most cases, just using Shopify or Gumroad would probably be the right choice. But... I'm a developer, I want to have control over the frontend experience, but not so much the e-commerce...

Static Site Problems

Static Site Problems

When I started looking into the JAMstack trend, it wasn't called that yet, I had some big questions. I mean static is great, but what about contact forms, comments, and search? I wasn't worried about content as a developer, but for clients,...

JS Widget Updates Feb 12, 2019

JS Widget Updates Feb 12, 2019

Just released a new version of the CloudSh.js widget that removes the need for jQuery, allows for templates using Mustache, and can support images in the results! None of these changes should have any effect on current installs. No jQuery I...

How to setup SEO for a Jekyll static site

How to setup SEO for a Jekyll static site

On page SEO is just as important for static sites as it is for something like a WordPress site. When starting to add SEO for this site, I was first going to create a plugin to help generate the SEO and social Meta tags. But after a quick...